Where Was the Super Bowl Played Last Year


Грамматический тест по английскому языку

Английский язык, 7 класс

Обобщающий грамматический тест по темам:

Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Active
    Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple Passive
    Possessive pronouns
    Article the with geographical names

     Choose the right option:

  1. She ……..a book now. – a) reads b) is reading c) read
  2. This house ……last year. – a) is building b) was built c) was build
  3. My grandparents …….in the garden now. – a) work b) worked c) are working
  4. …you…morning exercises every day? – a) Do..do b ) Are …doing c) Does..do
  5. He …..TV every evening. – a) watchs b) is watching c) watches
  6. We …fish yesterday, it …..very tasty. – a) cook, is b) cook, are c) cooked, was
  7. My friends …..to the seaside next week. -a) will go b) would go c) will gone
  8. ….Elbrus is the highest peak of …Caucasian Mountains. – a) the, the b) -, the c) the, -
  9. The text …..in an hour. – a) will be printed b) will print c) prints
  10. A little girl ……funny pictures very day. – a) draws b) is drawing c) draw
  11. Where …..you…..last summer? – a) would …go b) did ..go c) will …go
  12. I …..often …about it. – a) ask b) asked c) am asked
  13. The workers ……a new bridge lately. – a) have build b) built c) have built
  14. ….USA is separated from …Europe be …Atlantic Ocean. – a) the, -, the b) the, the, the c) the, -, -
  15. ….he …..in that office two years ago? – a) Will…work b) Did …worked c) Did…work
  16. This man came from …..France.- a) the b)-
  17. A lot of nice roses …..in this garden every year. – a) are growing b) are grown c) will grown
  18. ….your sister …..the flowers every week? A) Does …water b) Do…water c) Is….watering
  19. They ….to a new flat recently. – a) will move b) has moved c) have moved
  20. She ….all her pets already. – a) will feed b) has fed c) fed
  21. They write new words in …..notebooks. – a) theirs b) their c) them
  22. …New Zealand is not far from ….Australia.- a)the, the b)-, - c) the, -
  23. My friends …..in the park yesterday evening. – a) see b) saw c) were seen
  24. When ….you……your friends yesterday? – a) Have…met b) Did…meet c) Do…meet
  25. An interesting film …..on TV next week. – a) will be shown b) will show c) show
  26. …you ever …..to St. Petersburg? – a) Did …..be b) Has…been c) Have ….been
  27. She ….never ….to France. – a) have been b) has been c) was
  28. ….Mississippi is larger than ….Thames. – a) -, the b) the, the c) the, -
  29. I will put on ….best dress. – a) me b) mine c) my
  30. We often ….this game in the evening. – a) play b) are playing c) had played
  31. Whose umbrella is this? – It is ….a) mine b) my c) her
  32. ..London is …capital of …Great Britain. – a) the, the, the b) -, -, the c) -, the, -
  33. The pupil …..to the library recently. – a) will go b) has gone c) went
  34. …you ….a test last week? – a) Did …wrote b) will write c) Did…write
  35. They reached …Pacific Ocean by means of ….Panama Canal. – a) -, - b) the, the c) the, -
  36. …..you …..a lot of friends last Friday? – a) Did …invite b) have …invited c) Do …invite
  37. …..you….a present last birthday? – a) Have …got b) Did …got c) Did…get
  38. She always …..homework. – a) does b) do c) done
  39. We …. the first prize last month. – a) win b) won c) have won
  40. …Oka flows into ….Volga. – a) -, the b) the, the c) the, -
  41. Last year we went to ……Urals. – a) - ,b) the
  42. ….UK has a royal family. – a) the, b) -
  43. His new book …..next year. – a) will be finished b) will finish c) will be finish
  44. Bread …..every day. – a) eats b) are eaten c) is eaten
  45. These trees …..last autumn. – a) are planted b) were planted c) will plant
  46. This work …..tomorrow. – a) will do b) will be done c) will done
  47. My question ….two days ago. – a) will answer b) will be answered c) was answered
  48. Hockey …..in winter. – a) is played b) was played c) play
  49. Mushrooms …..in autumn. – a) were gathered b) are gathered c) will gather
  50. St Petersburg ….in 1703. – a) was founded b) is founded c) will be founded

   Время выполнения – 45 минут.

   Критерии оценки: от 20 до 34 баллов – оценка «3», от 35 до 47 баллов – оценка «4», от 48 до 50 баллов – оценка «5».

   Правильные ответы : 1b, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5c, 6c, 7a, 8b, 9a, 10a, 11b, 12c, 13c, 14a, 15c, 16b, 17b, 18a, 19c, 20b, 21b, 22b, 23c, 24b, 25a, 26c, 27b, 28b, 29c, 30a, 31a, 32c, 33b, 34c, 35b, 36a, 37c, 38a, 39b, 40b, 41b, 42a, 43a, 44c, 45b, 46b, 47c, 48a, 49b, 50a.


Where Was the Super Bowl Played Last Year

Source: https://урок.рф/library/grammaticheskij_test_po_anglijskomu_yaziku_123557.html

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